Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's Purple This Week - ick!

I knew it had to come........eventually.........purple had to show up.......blick...blah....ick! I don't know why I don't like it... I even had a lavender bedroom once..........but now.................no way....don't wear it...don't have it, don't work with it..............except...........ok.............I'll give it a try.........afterall this IS A CHALLENGE.
So here is this weeks layout...my dear mommy who is 93 now. A wonderful women. I love her sooo!.

that's all folks...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's Red this week

Hello World!

This past week was a long one for me.......chest cold and lots of coughing.....but I couldn't miss creating a layout for the Summer of Color Challenge...cause it's RED....my favorite color....red just warms my heart......especially red barns, red houses, red Fiestaware dishes....oh...there's no end to the list....I just LOVE RED!!

The layout this week is about my home...the family home where four kids were raised in rural Sacramento....it was country, but now all the surrounding land is gone and taken over by homes. I had a wonderful childhood, running lose all day...(yes... all day...Mom was smart!!) riding bikes, playing in the fields...just being kids. We never got seriously hurt...no one bothered us....we were truely free.....

My father built our home, slowly over four years and in several phases. He completed it in 1952 and we owned the home until Mom was no longer able to keep up with the place......memories...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer of Color Challenge

Hello World!

How are you all doing? Everyone enjoying their summer? For those of you who love the heat...lucky you, and for those of us who don't...boo hoo!

The Summer of Color Challenge has sure been fun for me and I am slowly working my way through the stack of old photos that I have from my mom and dad.   This week the color is brown..... which I truely love along with all the fall colors, but I chose not to go that direction.....got to stick to the task of getting a family album done for my siblings and children. So this LO is kind a drab....but done that way intentionaly. It was a drab situation for these kids....my mom and her siblings...

First the kids had lost their mother when the youngest child was only a few weeks old. The family was quickly divided up to relatives because their father was a rancher and couldn't care for the kids. Mom was at the boarding place across the street from the school when she was 4 years old. She remembers being so afraid.......

Then were sent off to Ursuline Academy in Great Falls, Montana as live-in-boarders for three years, possibly returning to the ranch in the summer, but mom is not sure.

My mother is still alive and lives with me......the only one left in her family.......she is 93 1/2 years old...and still misses her mom..............

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!

Good Morning World!!.....

Happy 4th ..............We are so proud in America of our country's history...and all that we stand for. All the men and women who have given their all in the protection and defense of the US...and for others as they have deployed to other lands to help them in defense of tyranny. To have freedom and wanting others to have that choice....hummmm. Such a tall order......and costly......

Many people will celebrate with fireworks at home................or go to places that have scheduled HUGH blowout extravaganzas. Picnics.........family and friends getting together.....but we must remember what this all cost......"some gave their all"......."Home of the Free, Because of the Brave"....

ok......deep breath........

Summer of Color Challenge.........this week is yellow........and I do LOVE yellow....but I choose to only used it minimally in this layout. I seem to be on a roll with family pics...I am sooo blessed to have a large amount of my family's photo's (on both sides) and it's time for me to start getting them scanned and protected and then distribute to my siblings and children.

The house is my mothers home.....she grew up on a sheep ranch (the largest one at it's time) in Montana. The lady of the left is my grandmother (I never new her) with the two eldest kids....in total there will eventully be five kids..........the other lady we think is her mother-in-law......soooo...here is this weeks layout.........
sorry for the long post....I got a little sentimental!!!..........