Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!

Good Morning World!!.....

Happy 4th ..............We are so proud in America of our country's history...and all that we stand for. All the men and women who have given their all in the protection and defense of the US...and for others as they have deployed to other lands to help them in defense of tyranny. To have freedom and wanting others to have that choice....hummmm. Such a tall order......and costly......

Many people will celebrate with fireworks at home................or go to places that have scheduled HUGH blowout extravaganzas. and friends getting together.....but we must remember what this all cost......"some gave their all"......."Home of the Free, Because of the Brave"....

ok......deep breath........

Summer of Color Challenge.........this week is yellow........and I do LOVE yellow....but I choose to only used it minimally in this layout. I seem to be on a roll with family pics...I am sooo blessed to have a large amount of my family's photo's (on both sides) and it's time for me to start getting them scanned and protected and then distribute to my siblings and children.

The house is my mothers home.....she grew up on a sheep ranch (the largest one at it's time) in Montana. The lady of the left is my grandmother (I never new her) with the two eldest total there will eventully be five kids..........the other lady we think is her is this weeks layout.........
sorry for the long post....I got a little sentimental!!!..........


  1. What a beautiful, meaningful piece - I love seeing the aged picture in combination with the bold, modern shots of yellow. Really striking and pretty work. Thank you for sharing and happy 4th to you! xo

  2. love this framed it so well. :) nan

  3. Sometimes simple is best - I love photos with selective color and your addition of the sunflowers brightens this vintage photo. Loved to read the story behind the piece too!

  4. melodie...what a wonderful photo to possess and be able to "play around with"...and you have done a wonderful job with your

  5. Hi

    Your use of yellow may be minimal but what a great effect it has on this piece. I love it!

  6. What a wonderful way to incorporate your past into your work of art! This must be so meaningful to you, I can see why you got sentimental. I would too! xo Joanna

  7. This is a fun way to preserve your family history. I really like the touches of yellow against the black and white photo.

  8. I love how you incorporated the yellow in this piece, so beautiful. x

  9. What a wonderful photo and great house. I love what you have done with it.

  10. oh it is normal to be sentimental when you create with photo from you is okay and I like was a nice period and we have to remember...your page is lovely...

  11. This is just perfect.
    The way you have framed the picture, that hint of colour and so lovely memories.
    I love the way all works together... and belated happy 4th of July.
